The Imperial Walkers Go Marching

To the tune of The Ants Go Marching

The Imperial Walkers go five by five, hurrah, hurrah,
The Imperial Walkers go five by five, hurrah, hurrah,
When the walkers go marching five by five,
The Ewoks roll stones under one, and then,
They all go marching the bomb Han and Leia, Boom, boom, boom.

The Imperial Walkers go four by four, hurrah, hurrah,
The Imperial Walkers go four by four, hurrah, hurrah,
When the walkers go marching four by four,
The Ewoks tangle one in a vine, and then,
They all go marching the bomb Han and Leia, Boom, boom, boom.

The Imperial Walkers go three by three, hurrah, hurrah,
The Imperial Walkers go three by three, hurrah, hurrah,
When the walkers go marching three by three,
The Ewoks trip one o'er a log, and then,
They all go marching the bomb Han and Leia, Boom, boom, boom.

The Imperial Walkers go two by two, hurrah, hurrah,
The Imperial Walkers go two by two, hurrah, hurrah,
When the walkers go marching two by two,
Chewbacca leaps on another, and then,
They all go marching the bomb Han and Leia, Boom, boom, boom.

The Imperial Walkers go one by one, hurrah, hurrah,
The Imperial Walkers go one by one, hurrah, hurrah,
When the walkers go marching one by one,
Two logs make a pancake of one, and then,
The bloody Death Star shield goes Kaplooey!!

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